CT Coronary Angio & Calcium Score Specialist

Shaun S. Daneshrad, MD, FACC
Cardiologist & Internist located in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, CA
As a leading Los Angeles, CA, cardiologist, Dr. Daneshrad uses state-of-the-art technology like CT coronary angiogram and calcium scoring to diagnose coronary artery disease (CAD) and manage the treatment of CAD.
CT Coronary Angio & Calcium Score Q & A
What is a CT coronary angiogram?
CT stands for computed tomography, a type of imaging test that provides 3-D images of your organs, blood vessels and other tissues. A CT coronary angiogram uses CT technology to look inside the arteries that supply blood to your heart. Unlike traditional angiograms that use a catheter inserted into your arteries, a CT scan is completely noninvasive, which means the doctor can see inside your arteries without any incisions.
What happens during a CT coronary angiogram?
CT scans use a powerful x-ray machine to produce images of the inside of your body. During a CT coronary angiogram, you'll lie on a special platform that will move you through the CT scanner. As you move, the x-ray device will rotate rapidly around you, creating a series of 3-D images that provide the doctor with an in-depth, detailed look at your coronary arteries. During portions of the scan, you may be asked to hold your breath so the scanner can gain more detailed images. Most scans take about 10 minutes to complete.
What is calcium scoring?
Calcium scoring is a recently developed technique for identifying calcified plaque in the coronary arteries. Plaque buildup is the primary cause of arterial blockage that slows the flow of blood to your heart. It's also a primary cause of chest pain, or angina, and heart attack. In calcium scoring, a CT angiogram is performed to evaluate the presence and location of plaque in your coronary arteries. Those findings are interpreted as a calcium “score” that can determine the presence of coronary artery disease (CAD) as well as your risk of heart attack or other complications. Scores range from 0 (no evidence of CAD) to 400 (extensive evidence of CAD). Calcium scores can also be helpful to determine if a specific treatment is working as it should.
Major Insurance Providers Accepted
Below is a short list of just some of the plans we accept. Please contact our office if you do not see your insurance provider listed on our site.