Echocardiography Specialist

Shaun S. Daneshrad, MD, FACC
Cardiologist & Internist located in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, CA
A leading Southern California area cardiologist, Dr. Daneshrad performs state-of-the-art testing like echocardiography to diagnose and manage heart conditions in men and women in and around Los Angeles, CA.
Echocardiography Q & A
What is echocardiography?
Echocardiography is a type of ultrasound test that's used to measure the structure and function of the heart walls and valves. During the test, sound waves are emitted through your skin using a handheld device called a transducer. These waves bounce off your heart and return signals to a computer, which uses those signals to create images that show the heart and the blood flow through your heart and the vessels around it. Echocardiography plays an important role in the diagnosis and management of many different types of heart disease.
What is the echocardiography test like?
The test is a simple outpatient procedure that can be completed in about 45 minutes. Before the test begins, several electrodes will be adhered to your chest and shoulders to monitor your heart function. You'll be asked to lie down on your left side and a clear gel will be applied to your skin to enable the transducer to move smoothly across the area to be evaluated. During the test, the transducer will be moved across your skin with firm pressure to ensure the sound waves penetrate properly so the images are clear. You may also be asked to change position or hold your breath during the test so the transducer can get better “pictures” of your heart and the surrounding area. Once the test is complete, Dr. Daneshrad will look at the pictures and video and discuss the results with you.
Does the test hurt?
Generally, no; however, at some points during the test, the transducer may be pressed firmly into your skin to get specific images, causing some mild and temporary discomfort.
Will I be able to go home right after my test?
Yes, echocardiography is not invasive and it doesn't require sedatives. You'll be able to drive home and resume your normal activities right after your test.
Major Insurance Providers Accepted
Below is a short list of just some of the plans we accept. Please contact our office if you do not see your insurance provider listed on our site.